This list includes national resources on disability, parenting, and grandparenting.

National Center for Disability and Pregnancy Research 

Brandeis: Heller School for Social Policy and Management website with resources for pregnancy and disability including relevant research. website (external link) 

National Research Center for Parents with Disabilities 

Brandeis: Heller School for Social Policy and Management website with a wide variety of resources for parents with disabilities. website (external link) 

Disabled Parenting Project 

Online community for parents and prospective parents with disabilities with a Facebook group and resources. website (external link) 

Adaptive Parent Project 

A nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering parents with all types of disabilities. website (external link) 

National Council on Independent Living 

National cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities with directory of state specific Independent Living Centers and resources to support the Independent Living Movement. website (external link) 

AT3 Center 

The National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training Center provides links to local programs that could loan or suggest equipment. website (external link) 

National Federation of the Blind 

A national center for individuals with blindness. Contains resources for blind parents including a podcast series from 2019 and research articles. website (external link) 

National Deaf Center 

Provides some resources for deaf parents, mostly related to advocacy for their own children’s educational needs along with research articles. website (external link) 

Cerebral Palsy Guidance 

Informative website for people with cerebral palsy, including resources on parenting. website (external link) 

National Multiple Sclerosis Society 

Website includes general information for parenting with MS. website (external link) 

Christoper & Dana Reeve Foundation 

Resources, blogs, and online support for people, including parents, with spinal cord injuries. website (external link) 

Grandfamilies and Kinship Support Network 

A national technical assistance center for those who serve grandfamilies and kinship families; site is in English and Spanish. website (external link) 

Zero to Three 

Includes resources for professionals and families where grandparents serve as caregivers/child care providers. website (external link) 


State directory for caregiver resources in your area, including for older adults raising young children. website (external link)